The executive committee shall be in charge of the management of ELAE.
The committee comprises of:
- President
- Vice president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Three ELAE members
- Past President, when applicable
Members of the ELAE as mentioned in Article-5 section 2, shall meet and elect the Executive Committee through voting. Members of the executive Committee will be elected for a four years period.
- Prior to the election, a letter should be sent to all members of the ELAE specifically informing them of the date and location of the election.
- Any member can apply for a specific position in the executive committee.
- The voting will be held by open vote: To ensure secrecy in all voting processes, the Executive Committee shall
appoint an independent third party, who shall be responsible for receiving votes
- The applicant with the highest number of votes will be elected for that position.
- In case of a tie, the more senior candidate will be elected.
- If an elected member of the Executive Committee is unable to persevere in his/her position, or in case of repeated unexcused attendance to the Board meetings, the executive Board, by voting, shall end this member’s appointment and a new election for the specific position will be held.
- DUTIES OF President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the ELAE and chairperson of the Executive Committee. The President shall supervise and control all the business and affairs of the organization in accordance with the statues and these bylaws and preside at all meetings of the organization. The President shall sign with any other proper officer of the organization authorized by the Executive Committee, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which may be lawfully executed on behalf of the organization, except where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated to some other officer or agent of the organization, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed and executed; and, in general, he or she shall perform all duties incident to the office of President. He or she shall appoint special task force committees and commissions in unlimited numbers in consultation with the Executive Committee.
- DUTIES OF VICE President
The Vice-President shall perform any duties assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.
The Secretary-General shall perform any duties assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.
The Secretary General shall:
- Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee
- Monitor and ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.
The treasurer shall perform any duties assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.
The treasurer shall:
- Have the custody or oversight responsibility for all funds and securities of ELAE, the receipt and recording of contributions and funds due and payable to the organization from any sources whatsoever, and the depositing of all of these monies in the name of the Organization in depositories that are selected by the Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer will also prepare the budget and coordinate all economic aspects related to the activities of the ELAE.
6.01 Vacancies. Should the Office of President become vacant, the First Vice President shall assume that Office. The Secretary General shall assume the Office of the First Vice President and continue his/ her duties until the next election. All other vacancies occurring among the Officers or Board Members shall be filled by appointment by the Board. Such appointed Officers or Board Members shall serve until the next General Assembly meeting
6.02. Re-election. Term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall be four years. At the end of the first term the officer may be reelected for another term of 4 years. After 8 consecutive years, the Executive Board is dissolved and any officer of the previous Board is no longer eligible unless the General Assembly recommends with a majority (50%+1) of the votes with at least 50 % of the members present to reelect that officer for another term.
4.03. Removal. Any Officer or At-Large Board Member may be removed at any time for cause by a two-thirds vote of all Board Members.
4.04. Resignations. The resignation of any Board Member shall become effective immediately upon written receipt thereof by the President or in the case of the resignation of the President, by the written receipt thereof by the First Vice President.
4.12. Attendance at Board Meetings. Should any Member of the Board fail to attend two consecutive meetings of the Board, the office shall be thereby vacated, the same as if by voluntary resignation, unless the Board Member has submitted in writing within five (7) days before or after the meeting a statement of satisfactory reasons for failure to attend, and the Board may declare the office vacant and proceed to fill said vacancy.
The members in the executive committee shall perform any duties assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.
The ELAE Past president shall perform any duties assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.
- Past ELAE chapter executive board carry over:
- In order for a smooth transition of ELAE chapter activities and duties, the previous ELAE chapter (previously registered under Emirates Neurology society EMINS) will transition and carry over to DAC-registered ELAE and serve as the executive committee till completion of its term, ending in October, 2021.
- The executive board will be re-elected at the completion of the remaining 2 years of its previous term or earlier if so agreed upon by unanimous vote of the executive committee.
The executive committee of the ELAE shall meet on regular basis, and not less than 4 meetings per year. The quorum for any board meeting will be 50% of the board members plus one. Votes of any administrative issue will be by open votes by members of the Executive Committee. The voted upon issues will be approved based on majority votes (50% plus one) from members of the ELAE executive committee attending the meeting. In case of a tie vote, the vote of the President shall count twice.